Sunday, March 29, 2009

Our last shindy for a while

Last month we had a little scare with my health. I had a few tests ran and they came back with some troubling results. With out giving to much info, I needed surgery to find out more of what was going on with me. Of course I was worried and started thinking the worst. I don't know how Kade stayed as patient as he did. He was so cute and helpful. 
There were so much love and prayers put out in my behalf. Anyway, the surgery went great and things weren't as the doctor thought. I still remember waking up and hearing the news. I was so happy. My mom, Aunt Jaynie, and Kade were there. That was a wonderful day and I don't want to take things for granted ever again. (right before the surgery)

Kade and I were planning to go on this great trip before we found out there was anything wrong. The trip was obviously put on hold until we found out all was well. 
We decided that this would be our last big get away for awhile. We had so much fun throwing things together last minute. We had some friends meeting us from Utah. We thought they would have to go on with out us. Lucky for us, we all made the trip. It was Awesome!


Tracey said...

I heard after the fact, when all was said and done what you went through. What a horrible feeling. I am so glad everything turned out okay! It was fun seeing you at nichole's lunch last week - we need to get together again soon - i miss hanging out with you Deann. Your pictures from your trip are awesome. Call me sometime. XOXO Tracey

Micah and Melinda said...

We are so glad that everything was ok, and that you guys had a fun trip!

Nichole Barney said...

I am so glad you were able to go on your trip! The pictures are great! It looked like an amazing time! We were so relieved at the news! I think someone was looking out for you! :) So glad!

Unknown said...

I heard about your ordeal, its not always fun to be a woman is it?
I am so glad it all turned out ok..I love having Kaitlyn and Lins living together in Utah, they are so fun and great girls.
Your pictures are awesome you deserve all the happiness that comes your wayk XOXO Monya